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Snipes Funkin’ Stylez – 10th anniversary – OFFICIAL RECAP – by

Funkin´Stylez was founded in 2004 by Takao Baba and Kadir [Amigo] Memis in Düsseldorf Germany. The idea of Funkin´Stylez began in 2003 influenced by the french event Juste Debout. Funkin’ Stylez was the first urban dance battle event in Germany, that brought different dance styles and formats together.

It became one of the biggest international urban dance event in Germany. Funkin´Stylez is known for original concepts and formats. The 5 vs. 5 Mixstyle World Team Battle concept is an original concept of Funkin’ Stylez. In 2008 Funkin’ Stylez was the first battle event that introduced Voguing to Germany and Europe. The objective of Funkin´Stylez is to support the urban dance culture and the recognition of urban dance as an art form.


Edited by Steve Won

Camera by Steve Won & Leonard Caspari
Motion Graphics by Joey S. Geier

Photo Footage of Thumbnail by LIL SHAO

Music by The Geek x Vrv – Flume – Holdin On (remix)